Guiding in the UK, a Promise Badge is a metal pin badge. Currently each is in the same design, but
with a different colour of ‘enamel’ infill for each section. Not always very expensively made, nor of
great monetary value, but after all, not everything can be measured by the
quality of it’s manufacture or the price at purchase. And such it should be with Promise Badges in
Guiding. They have always been far more
valuable than their monetary value ever was.
it’s way, a Promise Badge is a bit like a wedding ring. It’s a tangible symbol or representation of
the lifelong commitment to keeping certain promises which were voluntarily
entered into, often at a comparatively young age, presented at the very time
those commitments are first made. The
one difference between them is that although divorce has been created to allow
people to give up their wedding commitments if they feel they can no longer
continue the commitment they made - no such system has been created to allow
people to give up their Guiding Promise.
Once made, the Guiding Promise lasts every member for life, in uniform
and out, no matter what life brings, and whether they feel as able to keep up
the commitment as they did when they first agreed to do it. You can cease being a member of Guiding at
any age, and yet your Promise will still be just as binding. And yet – whereas making marriage vows is
restricted to over-16s only, Guiding Promises are lifelong commitments being
made by children as young as four or five years old! Who can say being a Guide isn’t tough?
In the
first handbook back in 1912, the Promise badge is stated as being the “Guide’s
life” – something to be worn with pride as a symbol of the commitment made - but
it is to be returned to the Guide Leader in shame, if the Promise were ever
broken. Losing one’s Promise badge in
this way or for this reason - was reckoned to be the most severe punishment for
wrongdoing which a Leader could apply.
Because it showed a breach of trust.
the years, designs in Promise Badges have varied – and there have been times
when they were hard to obtain due to wartime conditions. But Leaders did everything possible to ensure
their members had the badges they were entitled to, in spite of factories
turned over to war work and bomb damage to warehouses – homemade badges if
needs be, but badges they would have.
There are accounts from WW2 of Rangers and Leaders wearing their Promise
Badges under the lapel of their military uniform jackets or works overalls
while they served their country, as a constant reminder of their Guiding
Promise. And there are also accounts of
Guides in concentration camps, determined to keep their Promise despite their
circumstances – even one account of a Guide keeping her Promise Badge in her
mouth whilst being body-searched by camp guards, so precious a possession was
it when all other possessions were lost.
It really meant that much to them.
On the
surface, we may seem to take our Guiding quite a bit less seriously than that nowadays. Where once it was daring and radical to join
Guiding, and not the sort of thing genteel parents would approve of for their
girls, that hasn’t been the public perception for many years now, we’ve become
entirely mainstream as far as much of society is concerned, perhaps too much so
– but nevertheless, each person’s Promise Badge should, and in many cases does,
still mean quite a lot to them, and many adults will still look after their
Promise Badge, and remember the commitments they made all those years ago. Many of us can remember where or when we made
our Promise, some can even quote the date.
I know I can.
some people don’t take the Promise and Promise badges very seriously – even
amongst Leaders within Guiding. Some see
Guiding as little more than a craft club or a games club for children – a place
for girls to have fun, and nothing more than that. Perhaps it’s a lack of awareness and
understanding of the founder’s ideas and aims?
Perhaps more training is needed on some of the core principles which lie
behind Guiding during the training for Leadership? Embarrassingly, we hear of girls being given
fabric fun patches instead of proper Promise badges, sometimes by Leaders whose
mentors have clearly not shared all the knowledge they should have done,
sometimes through Leaders not understanding the meaning behind the badge – but
shockingly, sometimes through Leaders who knowingly and deliberately deny their
girls the badges they are entitled to.
And in these cases all sorts of excuses are given. Sometimes they claim it’s on safety grounds,
that the girls would injure themselves or damage their clothes. Sometimes the excuse is given that ‘there’s
no point, they just lose them’. Is either
claim really true, or justified? Some
even claim that the fabric badges are equivalent whilst knowing that it’s a
bare lie! And I can’t help but wonder –
why? Are their girls so much less
capable than their equivalents in the rest of the UK, who manage to go
uninjured by their Promise badges month by month, and who either don’t lose
their precious badges, or pay up for replacements if they do? And is ‘it happened to someone once’ reason
enough to deny every girl who joins that unit thereafter the chance to prove
herself capable and responsible? And –
what message does it send to the girls about their Leaders, if the people who
accept their solemn Guiding Promises – are adults who will choose to lie to the
children about one of the key parts of that very ceremony, the presentation to
the girl of her ‘Guide Life’?
Promise Badge is important. A Promise
Badge is precious. A Promise Ceremony
should be a meaningful occasion where a girl makes, of her own free will,
certain lifelong commitments. We are
asking each girl to take on a lot at a young age. A commitment that may last 365 days a year,
for a hundred years or more. Do they not
deserve to be given the proper £1.50 metal badge in return?