Saturday, 25 March 2023

How we survived Covid

 Long time no post, but that was partly because long time no active Guiding.  Though we had hoped Covid wouldn't last long, it's really only this year that we are able to function normally, three years on from the outbreak.  

For most of lockdown, my units were only semi-functioning.  I was working all hours, which meant I wasn't able to hold online meetings or outdoor meetings as some were, what I could and did offer was a weekly activity, sent out via the facebook group for each unit.

We were able to resume meetings in Autumn 2021, albeit with the front and back doors of the hall open, each girl having her own pencil case, and a one-way system in the hall.  But of the 8 units we had had in the District, only three units were able to resume at that point.  And since then, a further three units have resumes - but two have not.  Not from lack of girls, by any means, but lack of Leaders.  Most of the units are reliant on Unit Helpers and DofE helpers rather than qualified Leaders or YLs.  Ant the existing units are full and have long waiting lists of girls already old enough to join

Programme-wise, things are getting back.  We've had some Brownie Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards.  We're hoping this year will see our first Guide camp and Brownie holiday since 2019.  This year sees both units have anniversaries - the Brownies their 90th, and the Guides their 60th.  Here's hoping for a great birthday year for each!