Guiding has always had a system of awards to
present to it’s membership. Awards for
long service, for gallantry, for fortitude, and for ‘good service’. The first is awarded to adults automatically
regardless of what type of role(s) have been held. The next two categories are nowadays only for
youth members, and the last of these categories, whilst notionally available to
all Leaders, is in reality only ever awarded to Leaders who have taken on roles
at County, Country/Region, National or International level. Not to those who have only served at Unit
In addition there is a piecemeal selection of
local awards in different parts of the country.
These can be at County or at Country/Region level. Some are open to nominations, others are in
the personal gift of the appropriate Commissioner. Some are aimed at grassroots Leaders, most at
those who have taken on roles at County or Country/Region level. But some localities are covered by more than
one local award, whereas other areas have none.
And some awards are given out more frequently than others.
I do not want to knock those who have gained
awards. I can think of a large number of
instances where awards were indeed well deserved. But I would question the fact that so many
awards do not recognise the efforts of those Leaders who, year by year, provide
‘Good Guiding’ in the units. Many
Leaders and volunteers work away quietly, many are the backbone of
Guiding. But the awards structure as it
currently stands - does not serve them.
So I would suggest that two steps are needed.
1) Create a parallel set of awards to the
existing ones which are awarded for ‘higher level’ service, with the new ones
designed to specifically recognise Unit Leaders and volunteers, and their grassroots
work in local communities.
2) Each Commissioner, at some point in her term
of office, should be expected to nominate someone (or more than one person if
she wishes) in her area for an award.
The nomination would naturally have to be considered at a higher level
as at present, and there would be no guarantee that nomination would result in
an award being given, but it would mean Commissioners being required to consider
the Leaders and volunteers in their patch, and consider whether, actually,
there is quiet, significant achievement which is going unrecognised.
I wouldn’t want quotas. Or a set date when each Commissioner nominates,
with people waiting to see ‘who will get this time’ and being disappointed if this
year no award is made. And I wouldn’t
want Commissioners to have to nominate someone every year whether there is an
outstanding candidate to put forward or just a good one (‘Buggins’ turn’). But in our rush to focus on the recruitment
half of ‘recruitment and retention’, and given that the average length of
service for a Leader in the UK is only 2 years – we need to value the Leaders we
have who give more than two years, who consistently go above and beyond at a
local level, provide the continuity in our units and form the backbone of our
Districts – and show them that they are valued, and awards aren’t just for the
‘high heid yins’.
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